Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Day 5: West Seneca NY to Erie PA

Another relatively short day, though at least this time it is because I ended early so I could get a shower, some supper, and a good night's sleep (in that order).

Erie itself is a curious town. While definitely not a more prosperous town, it has interesting sections and clearly had an interesting (and prosperous at some point) past. The route I took the town was a bit odd - it was labeled Alternate 5/Bike Route Z but it zigzagged through mansions, parks, the old port and a University.

I did manage some photos today, and I also snagged another after lunch siesta (albeit a short one) but this time at least captured the scene:
My bike taking a siesta while I take a picture
This spot was actually a state park, so the beautiful old elm tree was a bit more expected - still very nice though.

Lunch itself was at the one pizza place in the town of Dunkirk. It was interesting that I arrived at about 11:45 and there was almost nobody there, then while I was eating the place filled up - clearly the spot to be for lunch in Dunkirk. There was even a nice spot for a siesta right outside:

Downtown Dunkirk at Noon

It was too cold though - that worked out or I never would have found my elm.

One of the more curious things I saw:

To go with the wine from those grapes?

Perhaps an admonition from on high? Reading is good.

July 2,2019, Erie PA

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