Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 19: Stratford TX to Nara Visa NM

A short day by the map, and actually by the number of hours on the road, but it felt like the longest day of the trip. I started really early in the morning, hoping to beat the heat:

Oops - can't upload pictures - so this will be all text:

I made the run from Stratford to Dalhart in the cool of the morning, stopping at Dalhart to get more water/root beer and a muffin. So far so good.

After leaving Dalhart the wind started to kick up, and it got pretty big and all blowing in my face. When the going gets tough, well apparently I am not tough.

It took a long time from Dalhart to Nara Visa and I was pretty darn thirsty. But for the luck of a kind person doing work on the road who gave me two bottles of water, I would have given up and hitched a ride to Nara Visa.

Of course, as it turns out, that would have been pretty futile. When I got here I looked for a gas station with a store to load up on liquid, then perhaps food. None of that exists. Nara Visa has a Motel and a Weigh Station.

I stopped at the Weigh Station to ask what else there was and that was it. The person there was kind enough to get me some water, and even offered me part of his lunch - the chocolate covered almonds were delicious.

My fantasy of cooling down and getting properly hydrated in a nice controlled environment, I sat down to eat the other half of my lunch, drink water, and generally recover.

Then I set out to Logan, my original destination. However, the wind was even bigger and I simply gave up, turned around and let it blow me to the motel.

They didn't have rooms, but told me I could pitch a tent out back and here I am. The nice woman even gave me ice to help me cool down, the internet password and an orange. Verizon does not work here, though T-Mobile seems okay.

So we will see what tomorrow brings.

July 16, 2019, Nara Visa New Mexico

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