Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day 23 and Beyond: Balloons in the Sky over Albequerque NM

Morning view from my Hotel Window
The ride into town was largely ceremonial, 15 miles with a 1000 foot drop in elevation. I barely broke a sweat during the whole thing.

I had a great visit with my nephew and discovered that his kids prefer a different mode of transportation:
The bestest way to get around the hills of Albuquerque
Actually Anna got a real kick out of attached herself to my foot and having me walk with her, but I didn't manage to get a picture of that.

When it was time to leave I suited up in a jersey that had been laundered and was no longer stiff, and my shorts similarly supple. I notice that the left leg of my shorts was much faded compared to the right. Makes sense, it was facing south.

I exited the gravel:

Leaving my nephew's house
To arrive at the conference site:
Arriving at the Hotel Albuquerque in Old Town
And now I transition to a different lifestyle. We will see when my stomach catches up with me.

Thanks for joining me on the journey.

July 20, 2019, Albuquerque New Mexico

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