Saturday, June 29, 2019

Day 2: Pittsfield MA to Cherry Valley NY

The first thing you will notice, if you look at a map, is that is not very impressive. Indeed, the day was long, hard, and relentlessly slow. Externally my performance was much worse than yesterday, and I am beginning to realize that it is expectations more than actual performance that determine how hard a day is. I am learning to get back in the groove with my own capabilities and now will have to see whether my capabilities are close to what they were a decade ago. That is what will determine if I even attempt to make it to Jay's ranch.

So the slowness was actually a full day affair, as was the sweating. Even though the day was not nearly as hot as yesterday, riding in the sun is still wet work. The humidity is not helping.

I did manager to snap a couple of pics along the way. The first two really demonstrate why the day can be both slow and hard:
Up, looking back
Down, looking forward

I remember New York as being a  long straight road with big ups and downs. Seems I was right.

The other good snap I got was a cool tree:
Cool Tree

Hope not to be so tired tomorrow.

June 29, 2019. Cherry Valley NY

Friday, June 28, 2019

Day 1: Wayland MA to Pittsfield MA

I always say that the first day is the worst, and boy do I ever hope that I am right.

It started great. A nice cool morning with little traffic as I started at 5:30, Hoping to make it through Worcester before rush hour - which I sort of did. (This has almost completely faded from memory, but the highlight of Worcester was stopping at an intersection and falling over because I couldn't get my foot out of the pedal. Someone asked if I was okay - yes, just embarrassed).

No the tough part started a little later in the day. I was conking out trying to climb hills (there are some decent climbs in Massachusetts after all). I tried drinking a whole bunch of water - only helped a little. Then Gatorade. A bit more. But mostly my body was saying "hey stupid, sit down at a computer and pretend you are doing something important."

Oh, well. Hopefully tomorrow my body won't think I have anything useful to do on a computer - if there are no more posts that is what happened.

So I didn't take a single picture all day. There were two signs (at least) that I should have. One said "Infant Massage." My god is that a thing? Apparently yes. Who knew? The other said "Canadian Tree Expert" and I was puzzling over whether the person was an expert in Canadian Trees, or a tree expert who was Canadian. Perhaps they were hoping to give advice to clients who wanted it delivered politely eh.

At the end of the day I did manage to find a place to drop my head. Pittsfield is curiously full  - must have some attractions beyond what I witnessed on my ride in. The place isn't so great:

If you want your bike back give me a call!!!

But in their defense they have really nice flowers:
Gardening is more important that carpeting after all

And more importantly, I don't care, I just want to be not on my bike anymore today. Tomorrow will be easier, I am sure.

June 28, 2019, Pittsfield MA

PS If you noticed my bike has a halo there is an explanation - but for another time.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Albuquerque Version 2.0 T Minus 1 and Counting

It was 10 years ago today (well Saturday really but who's counting) that I began my midlife crisis trek across the country. Turns out the SD Conference is going to be there again this year, so why not arrive the same way?

That's the plan. The first time around I was sure I would break down, but it was my bicycle that kept failing me. This time around I have a new bike so...

Anyway, as Xujun was prepping a departure picture she commented on how much older I look. 
then            .....                and now

 I'm not so sure about that - but it definitely is true that I have left many more things incomplete this time:

Got Mulch?
Ah well - time to go to bed and see what the first day brings.

I will keep you updated.

Wayland, MA 2019.07.27